Please list all (ex. Smoothie - 16oz - $7.50)
- Each full and single item food vendor must detail what food and beverages they will provide, including price. Each vendor may have a maximum of ten (10) items, consistent with a category of food, for example, Cajun, Mexican, Thai, etc. Portions should be adjusted to allow menu items and meals in the $8-15 range.
- Each vendor must provide one vegetarian or health conscious option. Plus one Instagramable Food Item with image that may be promoted on Social Media. Vendors must provide a kids menu option and a price that reflects the alteration in serving size. Only approved menu items submitted with your application can be sold. Vegetarian and children’s meal options will count towards the overall ten (10) food options.
- The Portland Rose Festival reserves the right to establish and maintain the minimum and maximum pricing limits. The Rose Festival reserves the right to select food vendors and require menu adjustments prior to acceptance.
Food Booth & Menu Item Images
Upload 1 photo of your Food Booth and up to 4 images of Menu Items below. Send any additional photos to
emailed images must have a file size less than 200kb