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Clark - May 11 - May 16 | SOLUTIONS FOR 2021

Clark - May 11 - May 16 | SOLUTIONS FOR 2021
May 17, 2021


Clark - 2021 Spring Training Treasure Hunt: CLUE 1

May 11 (Tuesday)

Something that leaps and something that loves,
A marmot comes out to take a peek up above.

A battlefield line should be drawn directly east and directly west,
Looking below it is where your search will be best.


SOLUTION: The top portion: Leap Day is February 29th. Valentine's Day is February 14th. Groundhog's (marmot) Day is February 2nd. All these dates are in February, the second month. As Groundhog's Day is last mentioned it's supposed to reinforce what you're to gleen from this clue is the number "TWO" as it drives home the second day of the second month.

The bottom portion: A line should be drawn across the city of Battle Ground, Washington to the eastern boundary of Clark County and to the western boundary of Clark County. Searching below it means search south of Battle Ground, Washington and eliminating the northern portion of Clark County from the search area.


Clark - 2021 Spring Training Treasure Hunt: CLUE 2
May 12 (Wednesday)

Morgan and William have had quite a bit of fame,
The middle of their collab is needed here in this game.

A siren awaits you far to the north,
You'll want to stay east of her beginning now and henceforth.


SOLUTION: The top portion: Morgan Freeman and William "Brad" Pitt are both quite famous and starred in the 1995 film "Seven" together that was marketed as "Se7en". The number 7 is what you're intended to find.

The bottom portion: The answer to this is search east of Ariel, Washington. Ariel lies just north of the boundary of Clark County. Sirens and Mermaids are essentially the same kind of creatures though with different intents. Ariel was the name of The Little Mermaid in the Disney film.


Clark - 2021 Spring Training Treasure Hunt: CLUE 3
May 13 (Thursday)

The loneliest number is where you should begin,
If this special hunt you're intending to win.

Southeast from the center is where you should taper,
Northwest from the crossroads you discover on this adventuresome caper.


SOLUTION: The top portion: The number "ONE" is what you're looking for and is referred to as the loneliest number in the song "One" made famous by Three Dog Night in 1969. "Dog" is also a reference to the dog park near the location that the treasure is hidden at.

The bottom portion: Draw a straight line from "the center" aka La Center, Washington to "The Crossroads of Discovery" in the Pacific Northwest aka Washougal, Washington. The line runs very close to the place that the treasure was hidden at: Hockinson Meadows Community Park.


Clark - 2021 Spring Training Treasure Hunt: CLUE 4
May 14 (Friday)

Good ol' JLR's character sure brought in the pain,
Imagine now if you took away his ability to aim.

If you do the downward dog maybe you'll see,
The prize that is hidden is not in a tree.


SOLUTION: The top portion: JLR is Academy Award nominated actor Jeremy Lee Renner. Renner has played the archer Hawkeye in the Marvel Cinematic Universe since 2011. If you take away Hawkeye's ability to aim you're removing his sight/eyes. Removing "eye" from Hawkeye leaves you with "Hawk".

The bottom portion: The downward dog is an exercise position in yoga. There is a large sign near the swing sets and bench where the treasure was hidden with exercises on it. The other piece of this clue is intended to make sure the searcher looks around in a low place for the treasure and not in a high place like up in a tree.


Clark - 2021 Spring Training Treasure Hunt: CLUE 5
May 15 (Saturday)

America's Philosopher is where you should look,
Flip through the pages that you'll find in that book.

Chapter 1 - Word 33
Chapter 2 - Word 167
Chapter 3 - Word 119
Chapter 4 - Word 33
Chapter 5 - Word 144
Chapter 6 - Word 20
Chapter 7 - Word 11
Chapter 8 - Word 59
Chapter 9 - Word 54
Chapter 10 - Word 53
(Hyphenated words count as one word)

The top half of three, two and one all go neatly together,
The top half of four, five and six make your understanding all the much better.


SOLUTION: The top portion: "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" was released in America in 1998 as "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" and that's the book you're intended to pick up and flip through. Every word looked up for each chapter is revealed to be the word "IN" and that is what you're intended to discover and remember.

The bottom portion: This clue is telling searchers that the top portions of clues 3, 2 and 1 go together. Putting them together you get (Clue 3) ONE (Clue 2) SEVEN (Clue 1) TWO. Hockinson Meadows Community Park can only be entered via 172nd Avenue. The clue also tells searchers that the top parts of clues 4, 5 and future clue 6 go together. Putting those together gives you (Clue 4) HAWK (Clue 5) IN (Clue 6) SUN. Saying HAWKINSUN altogether will indicate that you should be searching a park called HOCKINSON.


Clark - 2021 Spring Training Treasure Hunt: CLUE 6
May 16 (Sunday)

Nick gazed up toward the sky and had a very clever epiphany,
The object he noted sounds very much like the end of somewhere you should be.

Don't swing for the fences because surely you'll miss,
Go swing near the benches for your moment of bliss.


SOLUTION: The top portion: Nicolaus Copernicus discovered that the Earth revolved around the sun in the early 16th century thus the object of his attention was the SUN.

The bottom portion: There are baseball and softball fields nearby but this clue tells the searchers not to look near them. Searchers are intended to look near benches around a swing set at the playground at Hockinson Meadows Community Park and that's where the treasure would be found.


THANK YOU to Spring Training Treasure Hunt
Clue Writers

For Clark County:
Dustin and Deidra White
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