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Multnomah - April 25 - 26 | SOLUTIONS FOR 2021

Multnomah - April 25 - 26 | SOLUTIONS FOR 2021
April 24, 2021


Multnomah - 2021 Spring Training Treasure Hunt: CLUE 1

April 20 (Tuesday)

Looking for something new to do
And a reason to go outside?
A treasure hunt has what you need
Let fun be your guide!

You may crack some clues by searching
Using just your computer keys
And though research can be fruitful
You’ll need footwork amongst the trees


SOLUTION: Introductory clue. Subtle early hint in “footwork amongst the trees,” which ties into the #43 tree in a later clue, as well as the Nike logo on the basketball court near the treasure.


Multnomah - 2021 Spring Training Treasure Hunt: CLUE 2
April 21 (Wednesday)

Start by finding a former mayor’s seat
Let her vision lead the way
Take like a fish to water

And find a place to play
Things to do for young and old
Hoops and loops galore
Bring your children, friends, or pooch
There’s so much to explore!


SOLUTION: The Vera Katz sitting statue on the East Bank Esplanade between Main and Salmon Streets is looking east directly towards Mt. Tabor Park. If you follow Salmon Street east, it leads directly into Mt. Tabor Park and past the Visitors Center, near the hiding spot. The park has basketball, loop trails, a playground and dog park.


Multnomah - 2021 Spring Training Treasure Hunt: CLUE 3
April 22 (Thursday)

Water, water everywhere
No longer there to drink
Now it’s a run for your money
Stay away from the brink

You might happen to notice
A missing 4 and 3
You won’t find them here
Except near a notable tree


SOLUTION: The reservoirs at Mt. Tabor, originally built to provide Portland with drinking water, no longer do. Portland drinking water now comes from Bull Run reservoirs. The treasure is not hidden near the reservoirs. Reservoirs 1, 2, 5 and 6 are at Mt. Tabor. Reservoirs 3 and 4 are in Washington Park. Mt. Tabor Park tree #43 (The Trees of Mt. Tabor Park map) is located in an area near the treasure.


Multnomah - 2021 Spring Training Treasure Hunt: Clue 4
April 23 (Friday)

If you’re at the top, you’ve missed the point
It’s not the place to be
Some information to assist you
Just might be the key

The history here is boring
But not in the way you think
A plaque with an explanation
Can help you make the link


SOLUTION: “Missed the point” is a reference to the recently removed statue of a pointing Harvey Scott at the top of the park. “Information to assist you” is a reference to the visitor’s center and the information that can be found there. Assist and key are basketball terms. The treasure is located in the area with the visitor’s center and basketball court. The second stanza refers to the park’s volcanic history and connection to the Boring lava fields. There is a plaque that describes the volcanic history near the basketball court and treasure.


Multnomah - 2021 Spring Training Treasure Hunt: CLUE 5
April 24 (Saturday) - NEVER POSTED

Now you’re getting warmer
You may start to feel the heat
Look for a cone that really rocks
Just not the kind you eat

The play’s the thing, as Willy said
But for our game of hide and seek
Play around, stay off the ground
It’s a surface quite unique


SOLUTION: If you’ve solved the previous clues, you’re getting close to the treasure (getting warmer). “Feel the heat” and “cone that really rocks” is a reference to the rock wall of the cinder cone formed by the park’s volcano. “The play’s the thing” is a quote from William Shakespeare. “Play” is a reference to both the amphitheater and basketball court next to the rock wall. “Around” is a reference to the perimeter of the area. The treasure is not on the ground. The basketball court is a world class surface made out of recycled shoes, according to a plaque very close to the hiding spot.


Multnomah - 2021 Spring Training Treasure Hunt: CLUE 6
April 25 (Sunday) - NEVER POSTED

Rough around the edges
Smooth within the lines
Look around the perimeter
It’s among the moss and vines

It sits behind a column
A few feet above the ground
Near the stairs and rock wall
Just waiting to be found


SOLUTION: Rough is a reference to the rock wall next to the basketball court. Smooth/lines is a reference to the court surface. The rock wall is covered in moss and vines. In line with the east boundary line of the basketball court there is a small column next to the rock wall. It is a short distance from the stairs that lead from the parking lot to the cinder cone area where the basketball court and amphitheater are located. The treasure is located between the rock wall and the rock column.

THANK YOU to Spring Training Treasure Hunt
Clue Writers

For Multnomah County:
Melanie Bryant, Neal & Eileen Dietz
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